Some of these might surprise you


There are five places that you might look for a job will surprise you if you are learning about the job search market. Try each of these spots to see what is possible. We all know the big ones and the social media networks. However there are many places today offline that you can find your perfect position.


The Classifieds

Not so long ago, this was the go to spot to find a job. From entry level to upper management, companies would place ads in the classifieds to find applicants to fill their job openings. Today, this is still the case. Grab your local newspaper and check the help wanted area. The best way to find a good position for yourself is to scan through and circle the ads that appeal to you. Afterwards, study the ad a bit and make the decision whether or not to apply.

For companies looking to hire, there are also several advantages. The target market for these ads in the higher age range which means more experienced applicants would be applying. It can also help make sure you are targeting those in your local area. You may also find that newspapers are much more flexible about the ad and content.


Networking Events

Networking events are an amazing way to make new connections. And those connections could potentially lead to your next new position. When you go to your next networking position, be sure to bring business cards with your current contact information on them. Take a quick tour of the layout when you get there so you will be able to assist anyone who is looking for a booth. It can be a great conversation starter and show your potential value to an organization. Before you go, understand both what you want to achieve by going and practice a little elevator pitch to both introduce yourself, sell yourself a bit, and make a good first impression.


Check Your Local Area

Your next perfect position could be right down the street. Many local businesses will add a hiring sign out front when they are looking for help. You can also be daring and enter different locations with a copy of your resume to leave on file in the event they are not hiring. This way when they do decide to hire, they will already be familiar with you and your resume. This can also be helpful for companies who may not necessarily be local but with whom you have always desired to work for.


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